

La estancia ha resultado un estudio intensivo del fenómeno de la frustración con la exploración de sus variadas formas e intensidades. Partió ya de un conocimiento profundo; ahora ha obtenido un doctorado...
Las últimas muestras fueron el borrado accidental de algunas de las mejores escenas grabadas en las concentraciones del 15 de agosto frente a la Montaña del Caballo, y los intentos, ahora más libres de presión pero no por ello menos torpes, de profundización en la cultura local a través de la literatura y el vino (de arroz, maíz o castaña, por tratarse de Corea).
Está en la postdata de su libro (del que escribe con la vida, al no haberle permitido las circunstancias escribir uno con la pluma), y hasta la postdata entra la frustración...
Probablemente en su estabilidad de cara a los últimos días tendrá una influencia muy marcada la mayor o menor habilidad que ponga en juego a la hora de centrarse en su metafórica muerte -necesaria para el renacimiento-y no caer en el error de su sangre se descongele. Si ha de descongelarse que sea en otro momento, en tiempos de comienzo y no, como ahora, de final .
Con los intermedios de diversión -a falta de otra cosa-, procura ya llenar las fisuras de la frustración y las molestias físicas...


escribir, vagar

Hay tardes que madrugan. Su brevedad roza lo eterno. Hay mañanas, paseos oníricos que se reanudan tras el intermedio del desayuno. Alternan. Nunca avisan de sus cambios de turno.

Hace unas horas-luz estuvo aquí. Vagó por las mismas cuestas arriba, abajo, sudores del llano y altibajos del espíritu mientras con la eficiencia de un vehículo de limpieza recorre el campus, senderos de montaña a cuyos costados brotan siempre, con el sonido de las pisadas, setas gigantes con bedeles y aulas. Setas con máquinas de bebidas. No hay cumbres.

También ayer llevaba en un morral de sabana todas las proyecciones diarias de su infinito proyecto.

También acabó sentado al borde del camino, conversando con el canal, que a escala de hormiga se moldea en cascadas panorámicas y a la suya es un niágara casi olvidado entre los pliegues de la búsqueda.

Hoy despertó en los mismos lugares y en otro hemisferio. La misma herrumbre de llanto erigida en punto de interés turístico , el minero, la joven madre y el labrador de pelo rizado junto al alma desnuda de media cintura enarbolando la bandera de los libros y las flores. El mejor amigo del mono con un barril de revolución al cuello, jadeo leve y constante de la lengua de piedra, dispuesta toda su lealtad canina a rescatar nuevos sueños del fondo de la Historia.

Hoy lo encontró su universo perdido de caracteres de imprenta. Se puso a leer y, de vuelta tras atender reivindicaciones de un cuerpo quejumbroso, lo absorbió una ventana dimensional de caramelo. Teclea, respira. Que te miren miles de gentes y lean en tus ojos la esperanza. Que a tus propias letras se asomen curas y remedios de la ardiente negrura de los ojos, para que no llegues tarde a la senda y puedas unirte a tiempo a la caravana amorosa de doctores siempre caribes que llevan candelas a la noche saltando continentes rotos...



South Korea's friends???

After the Japanese defeat in World War II the United States set up a self-declared government, United States Army Military Government in Korea, in Korea which pursued a number of very unpopular policies. In brief, the military government first supported the same Japanese colonial government. Then it removed the Japanese officials but retained them as advisors. At the same time the Koreans, before the Americans had arrived, had developed their own popular-based government, the People's Republic of Korea. This popular government was ignored, censored, and then eventually outlawed by decree of the U.S. military government. The military government also created an advisory council for which the majority of seats were offered to the nascent Korea Democratic Party (KDP) which mainly consisted of large landowners, wealthy businesspeople, and former colonial officials. The military government, and this advisory council, set up elections for a legislature.

The elections were boycotted and protested throughout the country by the peasantry. The uprising was suppressed with police, U.S. troops and tanks, and declarations of martial law. The only representatives elected that were not of the KDP or its allies were from Jeju-do. Upon arrival in Seoul, they[who?] were kidnapped and killed.[citation needed] Furthermore, the U.S.'s refusal to consult existing popular organizations in the south, as agreed upon at the Moscow Conference, and thus paving the way towards a divided Korea, embittered the majority of Koreans. Finally, pushing for United Nations elections that would not be observed by the USSR-controlled north, over legal objections, enshrined a divided Korea, which the majority of Koreans opposed.[4]


The armistice at the end of the Korean War required that a political conference be pursued where the question of a unified Korea would be addressed. Despite many proposals for independent national elections and a unified, democratic, independent Korea no declaration for a unified Korea was adopted. Some participants and analysts blame the U.S. for obstructing efforts towards unification.[5][6][7]


No Gun Ri massacre was a massacre during the Korean War in which between eight and about 150 South Korean civilians were killed by soldiers of the U.S. 7th Cavalry Regiment between 1950-07-26 and 1950-07-29 near the village of No Gun Ri.


The Gwangju democratization movement was a popular uprising in 1980 in the city of Gwangju. The U.S. supported the military dictator, Chun Doo-hwan, whom the protests were against. In addition, it is alleged that the U.S. was also complicit in the brutal crackdown that followed.

A U.S. Army soldier named Kenneth Lee Markle murdered a prostitute Yun Geum-i (윤금이) in 1992. This incident led to the South Korean public demanding a revision of the Status of Forces Agreement in South Korea.

On June 13, 2002, a U.S. military vehicle fatally injured two 14-year-old South Korean girls, Shim Hyo-sun (심효순) and Shim Mi-seon (심미선), who were walking along a street in Euijeongbu, Gyeonggi-do. The incident provoked anti-American sentiment in South Korea when a US military court found the soldiers involved, who were sent back to the United States immediately after the decision, not guilty. This prompted hundreds of thousands of South Koreans to protest against the U.S Army's continued presence.[16]

Seeking to prosecute the two soldiers in civilian courts under Korean law, however, on July 10, the South Korean Justice Ministry requested that the USFK command transfer jurisdiction in the case to the Korean legal system. While the SOFA stipulates that US military personnel performing official duties fall under the jurisdiction of US military courts, jurisdiction can be transferred to Korea at the discretion of the US military commander.